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US Challenge Information 
Competition Events

First Timer Division

This division is open to all ages and genders to compete in one group (i.e., no separation by age and gender).  Each athlete can sign up for four events: Barehand, Long Weapon, Short Weapon, and Other Weapon. Athletes can only compete in each event once. 

Each event is limited to 2 minutes to perform.  When competitor exceeds the specified time, the chief judge shall ask the competitor to stop the event routine without penalty.

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Southern Kung Fu Challenge Division

This division separates athletes by age and gender, and each athlete can compete in up to five events: Barehand, Long Weapon, Short Weapon, Flexible Weapon, and Double Weapon.


The Southern Kung Fu Challenge Division age groups are listed as follows:

  • A Group  Born from 2007 to 2009

  • B Group  Born from 2010 to 2012

  • C Group  Born from 2013 to 2016

  • D Group Born from 2017 to 2019

  • Adult Group Born from 2006 and earlier

If there are not at least 3 competitors in an event in Southern Kung Fu, it will be combined with Northern Kung Fu.

Southern Kung Fu is limited to 2 minutes to perform. When competitor exceeds the specified time, the chief judge shall ask the competitor to stop the event routine without penalty.

May tryout for 2025 US Kung Fu Team

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 Northern Kung Fu Challenge Division

This division separates athletes by age and gender, and each athlete can compete in up to five events: Barehand, Long Weapon, Short Weapon, Flexible Weapon, and Double Weapon.


The Northern Kung Fu Challenge Division age groups are listed as follows:

  • A Group  Born from 2007 to 2009

  • B Group  Born from 2010 to 2012

  • C Group  Born from 2013 to 2016

  • D Group Born from 2017 to 2019

  • Adult Group Born from 2006 and earlier

If there are not at least 3 competitors in an event in Northern Kung Fu, it will be combined with Southern Kung Fu.

Northern Kung Fu is limited to 2 minutes to perform. When competitor exceeds the specified time, the chief judge shall ask the competitor to stop the event routine without penalty.

May tryout for 2025 US Kung Fu Team

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Internal Challenge Division

This division separates athletes by age and gender, and each athlete can compete in 

Taiji Barehand Yang, Chen or Other Styles

Taiji Sword in Yang, Chen, or Other Styles

Other Taiji Weapons

Other Internal Weapons

Bagua or Xingyi

Other Internal Forms

Simplified 24 form 

Also new for 2024 is a Two Person Choreographed Fighting Set.


The Internal Challenge Division age groups are listed as follows:

  • Internal Youth Born from 2007 and later

  • Internal Adult Born from 1970 - 2006 

  • Internal Senior Born from 1960 to 1969

  • Internal Elder Born from 1959 and earlier


The Internal Challenge Division has a time requirement for all routines: 

Minimum two (2) minutes and maximum five (5) minutes for each barehand routine.  For every five (5) seconds over or short of the time limit will receive 0.1 deductions from the final score.  The Chief Judge will give a warning at four (4) minutes.  

Simplified 24 form time requirement is a maximum of six (6) minutes.  Competitor will have 0.1 deducted from the final score for every 5 seconds that is over the required time.  Chief judge will announce a time mark at 4 minutes.


Minimum one (1) minute and maximum five (5) minutes for each weapon routine.  For every five (5) seconds over or short of the time limit will receive 0.1 deductions from the final score.  The Chief Judge will give a warning at four (4) minutes.  

Non vocal music is encouraged in the Internal Events.

May tryout for 2025 US Kung Fu Team


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Wushu Challenge Division

This division separates athletes by age and gender, and each athlete can compete up to five events: Barehand, Long Weapon, Short Weapon, Traditional Barehand, Flexible Weapon or Double Weapon.

The Wushu Challenge Division age groups are listed as follows:

  • A Group  Born from 2007 to 2009

  • B Group  Born from 2010 to 2012

  • C Group  Born from 2013 to 2016

  • D Group Born from 2017 to 2019

  • Adult Group Born from 2006 and earlier


Challenge Wushu is limited to 2 minutes to perform. When competitor exceeds the specified time, the chief judge shall ask the competitor to stop the event routine without penalty.

May tryout for 2025 US Kung Fu Team

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Two Person Choreographed Fighting Set


Two Person Choreographed Fighting Set have no separation of age and gender.

Traditional Kung Fu and Wushu  takes place on Saturday
Minimum of 40 seconds and maximum of 2 minutes and 0.1 shall be deducted for every 2 seconds that is under or over the required time.
Music is encouraged.

Internal Division Two Person Choreographed Fighting Set takes place on Sunday

Minimum of 2 minimum and maximum of 5 minutes and 0.1 shall be deducted for every 5 seconds that is under or over the required time.

Music is encouraged.


Elite Wushu Division

The Elite Wushu Athlete is required to compete with IWUF standardized routines with appointed time requirements on all age groups.

Elite Wushu Athletes may choose the age group above their current age for a higher difficulty competition.

C group age athletes can choose to compete in the B group age/routines.

B group age athletes can choose to compete in the A group age/routines.

A group age athletes can choose to compete in the Adult group age/routines.


This division separates athletes by age and gender, and each athlete can compete in up to three events: Barehand, Long Weapon, and Short Weapon.  

The Elite Wushu Division age group is listed as following:

The IWUF Standardized Routines for each age group are:

  • A Group Born from 2007 to 2009   

   A Group competes in 3rd International or Self Compulsory Routines

  • B Group Born from 2010 to 2012     

   B Group competes in 1st International Standardized Routines

  • C Group Born from 2013 to 2018    

   C Group competes in International Elementary 3rd Routines

  • Adult Group Born from 2006 and earlier

   Adult Group competes in Self Compulsory Routines, No Nandu requirement


May tryout for 2025 US Kung Fu Team

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Padded Weapons Division


The Padded Weapons Division age groups are listed as follows


  • Children Born from   2015-2018 

  • Teen Born from         2010-2014 

  • Adult Born from       1975-2009 

  • Senior  Born from     1965-1974 

  • Elders Born from      1964 and earlier 


Children, Teen Senior, and Elder Divisions are limited to 8 athletes. 

These Divisions will split into  2 groups and use a round robin system to produce the winner of the group.

The second level is the fight for the championship

3 points and ties worth 1 point.
Overall ties are broken by the number of points scored in a round.

The Adult Division is limited to 16 athletes.

This Division is split into 4 groups and uses a round robin system to produce the winner of the group.
The second level is by elimination.
The third level is the fight for the championship.
The winner is determined by the total score with rounds won worth 3 points and ties worth 1 point.
Overall ties are broken by the number of points scored in a round.


 See detailed Rules for the Padded Weapons Division here.

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