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The practice of Taiji and Qigong improves physical and mental health.
Learning how to feel tranquil is the deepest level of these arts.
- 3 min
Applying the 10 Essences of Taiji to Piano Playing
The 10 Essences in Taiji, an essential part of this ancient discipline, can also be applied to piano playing.
- 2 min
Our Basics in Life
When an architect designs a high-rise building, the first stage, and the most important, is in the designing of the foundation.
- 2 min
The most memorable impression I have of England is the passion everyone has for gardening. Everywhere I go, I can see gorgeous, lovely...
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Path to Enlightenment
On the path to enlightenment, we often struggle to integrate numerous ideas and truths. Many feel disconnected. Some appear...
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Do I want to come to class today?
It is the first Saturday in November, and it is 35℉ when it is time to go to the bus stop for class. It is too cold this early in the...
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Confessions of a Student. Can I change my destiny?
Have you ever known that tweak of shame when you’re feeling impatient and do something you know is unkind but do it anyway? A sharp word?...
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The Warrior Spirit
When asked what he meant by 'lift your head, raise your spirit', Coach Pei wrote this article "The Warrior Spirit" to explain.
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Yin and Yang
The balance of the Yīn 阴 and Yáng 阳 also controls our breathing.... Once Yin and Yang are balanced, they create a new force.
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Moving in Three Dimensions
The twelve directions are made from six sets of opposing directions. We need the first three sets of opposing directions to create...
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Continuity Level One: What Do You See?
The attention needs to go from very a very general and broad area to a very focused and pinpointed target.
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Continuity Level Two: No Pattern
When you practice with no pattern, your mind becomes sharp and it opens to everything around you while you are still focusing on the move.
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Continuity Level Three: No Pattern, No Set Technique
The only thing that is constant is change. You may have to do something different to get back to normal or to the way you want to do things.
- 3 min
Continuity: Master of the Pen and the Sword
Wén Wŭ Shuāng Quán 文武双全 When we look at the symbols for Yin and Yang, we see that they represent a state of constant change. When we are...
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Continuity: The Mind is the Vehicle for Moving Qi
Continuity is when the body has completely finished with a move, and the mind thinks on to the next move, and the body continues to follow..
- 3 min
Quiet your Heart and Regulate your Breathing
Whatever style of Taiji you practice, the requirement to be “jing 静”, or quiet, is there. In qigong practice, whether you are doing the...
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Continuity: The Only Thing That is Constant is Change
When we practice, our main goal is to move Qi. When Qi moves, the body flourishes. But if you try to force it...
- 2 min
Build a Good Structure
The way we practice Taiji is the same as building a house: When we build a house, we build a frame first...
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Tension and Looseness
The character of water is that it goes where there is no resistance. If you don’t create resistance for it, it will flow quickly.
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